Hans-Georg Matuttis
University of Electro-Communications
Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering
Chofu Chofugaoka 1-5-1
Tokyo 182-8585



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Short Biography
My publication list

Current Lectures(現在の授業):   Webclass-System of the UEC

Members of the Group

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Currently, we are working to develop a Finite-Element code for granular particle in an incompressible Navier-Stokes Fluid. Here is a page with movies produced by my students.


Here is a page with movies produced by my coworker Jian Chen. Our polyhedral simulation is now working, and I hope we can write the papers of how to do it very soon.

Here is a page with movies produced by my coworker Alexander Schinner. It is more or less a mirror of his old homepage at the University of Magdeburg, but I have added some more extensive explanations.  The granular simulations were performed using polygonal particles and the forcelaw I proposed in Granular Matter 1, p. 83-91which includes static friction, exclusive-volume interaction and damping in normal direction. Similar simulations were performed for the papers 20, 24, 25 and 28 on my  publication list.

Here is another page with movies, produced by my coworker Hiroshi Watanabe. We have been collaborating on the simulation of elliptic particles using the algorithm from paper 26 of my publication list.  He is interested more in thermodynamic systems (conserved energy), I am using it for the simulation of granular materials (with damping and friction). The simulations of elliptic particles has been used in paper 31 on my publication list.


Reprints/Preprints (click on the link to download, my full publication list ist here):
Hans-Georg Matuttis, Simulation of the pressure distribution under a two-dimensional heap of polygonal particles, Granular Matter 1, p. 83-91

Hans-Georg Matuttis, Alexander Schinner, Influence of the geometry on the pressure distribution of granular heaps, Granular Matter 1 (1999) 4, 195-201

Alexander Schinner, Hans-Georg Mattutis, Tetsuo Akiyama, Junya Aoki, Satoshi Takahashi, Keiko M. Aoki and Klaus Kassner, Towards a micromechanic understanding of the pressure distribution under heaps, Proceedings of RIMS Symposium on Mathematical Apsects of Complex Fluids II, RIMS Kokyoroku series 1188, p.123 (postscript)(pdf)

Hans-Georg Mattutis, Alexander Schinner, Particle simulation of cohesive granular materials, Int. Journ. of Mod. Phys. C, Vol . 12, Nr. 7. p.1001. (postscript)(pdf)

Alexander Schinner and Hans-Georg Mattutis, Molecular Dynamics of Cohesive Granular Materials, in: Traffic and Granular Flow, eds. D. Helbing, H.J. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf, p. 505-510, Springer, 1999 (postscript)(pdf)

Claudio Scherer and Hans-Georg Matuttis, Rotational dynamics of magnetic particles in suspensions, PhysRev E, 63, p. 11504 (2001)

Hans-Georg Matuttis and Nobuyasu Ito, Some Findings on the Minus-Sign Problem for the Hubbard Model in the Projector Quantum Monte Carlo, Method, JPSJ, 70, p. 1519-1522 (2001)