Dr. Hans-Georg Matuttis
Publication List
Updated: April 16, 2015
1. Theses
1. Diploma-Thesis:
Performance-orientierte Implementierung von Quanten Monte Carlo Algorithmen
(Performance-Oriented Implementation of Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithms), University of
Regensburg, 1992
2. PhD-Thesis:
Determinanten Quanten Monte Carlo und analytische Fortsetzung für das Hubbard-Modell,
(Determinant quantum Monte Carlo and analytical continuation for the Hubbard-model)
University of Regensburg 1995
2. Publications
- I.Morgenstern, Th.Husslein, J.M.Singer, H.-G. Matuttis, Numerical Simulation of the
double Layer Hubbard model, J.Phys. II France 2, p. 1489-1493 (1992)
- J.M.Singer, Th.Husslein, I.Morgenstern, H.-G. Matuttis, Quantum Monte Carlo
Simulations of the Apex-Oxygen Model, in: R.DeGroot, J.Nadrchal, Physics
Computing ’92, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, p. 465–467 (1992)
- R.Hackl, H.-G. Matuttis, J.M.Singer, Th. Husslein, I.Morgenstern, Parallelization of
the 2D Swendsen Wang Algorithm, Int.J.Mod.Phys. C 4, p. 1117-1131 (1993) pdf
- I. Morgenstern, W. Fettes, T. Husslein, C. Baur, H.-G. Matuttis and J.M. Singer,
Numerical simulations of models for high-Tc superconductors, Proceedings of the 6th
Joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing, Eds:R. Gruber, M.
Tomassini, European Physical Society, p. 247-255 (1994)
- R.Hackl, H.-G. Matuttis, J.M.Singer, Th.Husslein,
I.Morgenstern, Efficient Parallelization of the 2D Swendsen Wang Algorithm, Physica
A 212, p. 261-276 (1994) pdf
- M.Bauernfeind, R.Hackl, H.-G. Matuttis, J.M.Singer, Th. Husslein, I.Morgenstern, 3D
Ising Model with Swendsen-Wang dynamics: a parallel approach, Physica A 212, p.
277-298 (1994) pdf
- Th.Husslein, D.M.Newns, H.-G.Matuttis, P.C.Pattnaik, I.Morgenstern, J.Singer,
W.Fettes, C.Baur, Spin-Spin correlation in the tt’-Hubbard model, J.Phys. I France 4,
p. 1573–1576 (1994)
- U.Kleis, J.M.Singer, I.Morgenstern, Th.Husslein, H.-G.Matuttis, Experience with
reengineering and parallelizing a high-TC superconducting code, Parallel Computing
20, p. 399–407 (1994)
- I.Morgenstern, Th.Husslein, J.M.Singer, H.-G.Matuttis, Numerical simulation of High
Temperature Superconductors, in: E.Kaldis, Materials and Crystallographic Aspects
of HTC-Superconductivity, p. 331-334 (1994)
- J.M.Singer, H.-G.Matuttis, Virtuelle Parallelrechner, Unix open 8 p. 69-72 (1994)
- H.-G.Matuttis, Parallele Vektoren, DOS international 9/94, Supplement MC extra p.
42–46, DMV Verlag 1994
- W. Fettes, I. Morgenstern, T. Husslein, H.-G. Matuttis, J.M. Singer and C. Baur.
Density of States in the t’-Hubbard Model: Exact Diagonalization Results, J. Phys. I
France 5 p. 455-463 (1995)
- H.-G. Matuttis, I. Morgenstern, Quantum Monte Carlo Investigations for the Hubbard
Model, in: Computational Physics, eds. Karl Heinz Hoffmann, Michael Schreiber
(Eds.), p. 189–207, Springer 1996
- J.M. Singer, M.H. Pedersen, T. Schneider, H. Beck, H.-G. Matuttis, From BCS-like
superconductivity to condensation of local pairs: A numerical study of the attractive
Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. B, Vol 54, 2, p. 1286–1301 (1996)
- H.-G. Matuttis and S. Luding, The effect of particle shape and friction on the stresses
in heaps of granular media in Friction, Arching and Contact Dynamics , edited by D.
E. Wolf and P. Grassberger, p. 201-206, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997 pdf
- S. Luding and H. -G. Matuttis, The effect of interaction laws on the stresses in
frictionless granular media, in: Friction, Arching and Contact Dynamics , edited by D.
E. Wolf and P. Grassberger, p. 207–211, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997
- H. -G. Matuttis, Simulation of the pressure distribution under a two dimensional heap
of polygonal particles, Granular Matter 2. p.83-91, (1998). pdf
- Hans-Georg Mattutis and Alexander Schinner, Influence of the geometry on the
pressure distribution of granular heaps, Granular Matter 1, 195-201 (1999) pdf
- Alexander Schinner and Hans-Georg Mattutis, Molecular Dynamics of Cohesive
Granular Materials, in: Traffic and Granular Flow, eds. D. Helbing, H.J. Herrmann,
M. Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf, p. 505-510, Springer (1999)
- H.-G. Matuttis, S. Luding, H.J. Herrmann, Discrete element simulations of dense
packings and heaps made of spherical and non-spherical particles, Powder Technology
109 p. 278-292 (2000) pdf
- Claudio Scherer and Hans-Georg Matuttis, Rotational dynamics of magnetic particles
in suspensions, Phys. Rev. E, 63, p. 11504 (2001)
- Argyris, J.; Ciubotariu, C.; Matuttis, H.-G. , Fractal space, cosmic strings and
spontaneous symmetry breaking, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol: 12, Issue: 1,
January 1, 2001 pp. 1-48
- H.-G. Matuttis, A. Schinner, Particle Simulation for Cohesive Granular Materials, Int.
Journ. Mod. Phys. C, Vol 12, Nr. 7, p.1011-1022 (2001)
- Alexander Schinner, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Tetsuo Akiyama, Junya Aoki, Satoshi
Takahashi, Keiko M. Aoki and Klaus Kassner, Towards a micromechanic understanding
of the pressure distribution under heaps, Proceedings of RIMS Symposium on
Mathematical Aspects of Complex Fluids II, RIMS Kokyoroku series 1184, p.123-139
- Alexander Schinner, Hans-Georg Mattutis, Tetsuo Akiyama, Junya Aoki, Satoshi
Takahashi, Keiko M. Aoki and Klaus Kassner, History-dependent structure in granular
piles, Proceedings to Powders and Grains 2001, p. 499, Balkemaa 2001 pdf
- Nobyasu Ito, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Hiroshi Watanabe, Keiko M. Aoki, Vectorizable
overlap computation for Ellipse-Based Discrete Element Method, Proceedings to
Powders and Grains 2001, p. 173, Balkemaa (2001)
- N. Ito, H.-G. Matuttis, Some findings on the Minus-Sign Problem for the Hubbard
Model in the Projector Quantum Monte Carlo method, Journ. Jap. Soc. Jap. 70, 6,
p.1519 (2001)
- Holger Kruse, Karl Popp, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Alexander Schinner, Behandlung des
Schotters als Vielkörpersystem mit wechselnden Bindungen, (Treatment of railway
ballast as Many Particle System with changing Contacts) Der Eisenbahningenieur 52
Heft 2, p. 30–35 (2001)
- H.-G. Matuttis, N. Ito, Advances in the Investigation fof the Minus Sign Problem for
the Fermionic Case, p194-199, in: Computer Stimulation Studies in Condensed-Matter
Physics XIV, eds: D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, H.-B. Schüttler, Springer (2002) pdf
- Auxiliary field methods for the simulation of quantum computing circuits, Hans-Georg
Matuttis, Kurt Fischer, Nobuyasu Ito, Masamichi Ishikawa, p. 917-930, Int. Journ.
Mod. Phys. C, vol. 13, Nr. 7 (2002)
- Kurt Fischer, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Kurt Fischer, Masamichi Ishikawa, Nobuyasu Ito,
Quantum statistical simulations for quantum circuits, p. 930-946, Int. Journ. Mod.
Phys. C, vol. 13, Nr. 7 (2002) pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis, N. Ito, H. Watanabe, Shape segregation for bidisperse mixtures of
ellipses in two dimensions, in ”Proceedings of Traffic and Granular Flow 2001”, ed. M.
Fukui, Y. Sugiyama, M. Schreckenberg, D.E.Wolf, p. 455-460, Springer 2003 pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis, A. Schinner, Modeling Friction in Granular Materials, Bussei Kenkyu
Dayori, 2003, July, Vol.43, Nr.2
- R. Hilfer, B. Biswal, H.-G. Matuttis, W. Janke, Multicanonical Monte Carlo Study
and analysis of tails for the order-parameter of the two-dimensional Ising model, PRE
68, p.026123 1-9 (2003) pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis, Nobuyasu Ito, Alexander Schinner, Effect of particle shape on
bulk-stress-strain relations of granular materials, Proceedings of RIMS Symposium on
Mathematical Aspects of Complex Fluids III, RIMS Kokyoroku series 1305, p.89-99
(2003) RIMS Kokyoroku series 1305, p.89-99 (2003)
- Noriko K. Mitani, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Toshihiko Kadono, Density and size
segregation in deposits of pyroclastic flow, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31,
L15606 (2004) pdf
- K. Fischer, H.-G. Matuttis, S. Yukawa, N. Ito, Quantum Computing Simulation
using the Auxiliary Field Decomposition, p. 79-85, in: Computer Stimulation Studies
in Condensed-Matter Physics XVI, eds: D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, H.-B. Schüttler,
Springer (2004) pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis, Ito Nobuyasu, Non-equilibrium analysis of the antiferromagnetic
ordering in the half-filled Hubbard Model in two dimensions, Bussei Kenkyu 2003, vol.
79, no. 5, p. 822
- Salah A. M. El Shourbagy, H.-G. Matuttis, Numerical implementation of Coulomb
Friction in Mechanical Systems, Bussei Kenkyu, 2004, March 20, vol.81 no.6, p. 876-879
- H.-G. Matuttis, Nobuyasu Ito, Non-Existence of d-wave superconductivity in the
quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the Hubbard Model, Int. Journ. Mod. Phys. C,
Vol. 16, Nr. 6, p.857-866 (2005) pdf
- Hans-Georg Matuttis, Takumi Kinouchi and Hide Sakaguchi, Vibration-induced
compaction in elongated vessels, Mathematical Aspects of Complex Fluids IV, RIMS
Kokyoroku series, No. 1413, p. 84-93, (2005)
- Hans-Georg Matuttis, Salah El Shourbagy, Dependence of the angle of repose of heaps
on the particle shape Mathematical Aspects of Complex Fluids IV, RIMS Kokyoroku
series, No. 1413, p. 75-83, (2005)
- Hans-Georg Matuttis, Seiji Omata and Osamu Sano, Shape segregation in granular
materials: A game of Go where shape beats size and buoyancy, p.1349-1353, ”
Proceedings of the 5th international conference ”Powders&Grains 2005”, ed. Ramon
Garcia-Roji, Hans J. Herrmann, Sean McNamara (2005) pdf
- Salah A. M. El Shourbagy and Hans-Georg Matuttis, Angle of repose for
two-dimensional particle aggregates from particle-size and -shape, Proceedings of the
5th international conference ”Powders&Grains 2005”, ed. Ramon Garcia-Roji, Hans J.
Herrmann, Sean McNamara, p1289-1293, (2005) pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis, Simple stochastic modeling for fat tails in financial markets,
proceedings of the 3rd Nikkei Econophysics Symposium 2005, Ed. H. Takayasu,
”Practical Fruits of Econophysics”, p. 178-182, Springer (2006) pdf
- R. Hilfer, B. Biswal, H.-G. Matuttis, W. Janke, Multicanonical simulations of the tails
of the order-parameter distribution of the two-dimensional Ising model, Comp. Phys.
Comm, 169, p.230-233 (2005) pdf
- I. Varga, H. Yamada, F. Kun, H.-G. Matuttis, N. Ito, Structure formation in binary
monolayers of dipolar particles, Phys. Rev. E. 71 051405(1-7) (2005) pdf
- S.A.E. Shourbagy, S. Morita and H.-G. Matuttis, Simulation of the Dependence of the
Bulk-Stress-Strain Relations of Granular Materials on the Particle Shape, J. Phys. Soc.
Jpn., 75, 104602(1-10) (2006) pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis: Strategies for an optimized simulation of granular particles in a
Newtonian fluid, Part 1: Basics, Mathematical Aspects of Complex Fluids and their
Applications, RIMS Kokyoroku series 1472, 11-20 (2006)
- I.P. Tabakov and H.-G. Matuttis: Strategies for an optimized simulation of granular
particles in a Newtonian fluid, Part 2: Numerical Algorithms, Mathematical Aspects
of Complex Fluids and their Applications, RIMS Kokyoroku series 1472, 21-30 (2006)
- H. Aoyama, H.-G. Matuttis and S. Jie: Technical English with E-Learning, e-(ed.)
93-106 (2007)
- S. A. M. El Shourbagy, S. Okeda and H.-G. Matuttis: Acoustic of sound propagation
in Granular Materials in one, two and three dimensions, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77,
034606(1-15) (2008) pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis: Random-walk type model with fat tails for financial markets, Int. Jour.
Mod. Phys. C, Vol. 19, No. 7 (2008) 1017-1026 (2008) pdf
- H.-G. Matuttis and J. Chen: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
for Modeling in Socio-Econo-Physics, accepted for publication in: Lectures on Socio-
and Econophysics, eds. J. Schneider and C. Hirtreiter, 26 pages, Springer (2008)
- Jian Chen, Alexander Schinner and Hans-Georg Matuttis, ”Static Friction, Differential
Algebraic Systems and Numerical Stability, Physics Procedia, Vol.6, pp. 65-75, (2010)
(Proceedings of the 21st Workshop Computer Simulations Studies in Condensed Matter
Physics XXI) pdf
- J. Chen, L. Watanabe, H.-G. Matuttis, H. Sakaguchi, History Dependence of the
Density Distribution on Granular Heaps, in: Powders & Grains 2009, Proceedings of the
6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, ed. M. Nakagawa
and S. Luding, AIP, p. 199–202, (2009) draft˙pdf
- Y. Sakai, J. Chen and H.-G. Matuttis, Simulation of Polygonal Grains in a
Finite-Element-Fluid, in: Powders & Grains 2009, Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, ed. M. Nakagawa and S. Luding,
AIP, p. 1019–1022 (2009) pdf
- Jian Chen, Alexander Schinner and Hans-Georg Matuttis, ”Discrete Element
Simulation for Polyhedral Granular Particles”, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Japan, Vol. 59, pp. 335-346 (2010)
- Xiaoxing WANG, Hans-Georg Matuttis,
”Numerical Irreversibility in Energy-Conserving Many Particle Systems”, Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol. 59, pp. P309-321 (2010)
- Shi Han NG, Hans-Georg Matuttis, ”Adaptive Mesh Generation for Two-Dimensional
Simulation of Polygonal Particles in Fluid”, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan,
Vol. 59, pp. P323-333 (2010)
- Jian Chen and Hans-Georg Matuttis, ”Study of Quasi Two Dimensional Granular
Heaps”, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol.60, pp. 225-238 (2011)
- Shi Han Ng, Hans-Georg Matuttis, ”Two-dimensional Microscopic Simulation of
Granular Particles in Fluid”, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol. 60, pp.
105-115 (2011)
- Xiaoxing Wang and Hans-Georg Matuttis, The Fermionic Minus-Sign Problem for the
Ground State, Revisited with Higher Order SuzukiTrotter Decompositions, J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn. 81 (2012) 104002 (2012)
- Jian Chen, Hans-Georg Matuttis, Optimization and OpenMP parallelization of a of a
discrete element code for convex polyhedra on multicore architectures, International
Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol: 24 Iss: 2 pp 13500 (2013) pdf
- Shi Han Ng and Hans-Georg Matuttis, Effect of the surrounding fluid on the
compaction of granular materials by tapping: Slow dynamics made slower?, Effect
of the surrounding fluid on the compaction of granular materials by tapping: Slow
dynamics made slower? Shi Han Ng and Hans-Georg Matuttis, AIP Conf. Proc. 1518,
pp. 372-378 (2013) pdf
- Shi Han Ng and Hans-Georg Matuttis, Simulating Free Boundaries in 2D FEM: Flow
Simulation with Direct Time Integration of the Surface Velocities Journal of Algorithms
& Computational Technology Vol. 7 No. 3, p.287-300, (2013) pdf
- Shi Han Ng and Hans-Georg Matuttis, Polygonal particles in fluids, in: Proc. Powders
& Grains 2013, AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, 1138-1141 (2013)
- Wei Shen Cheng, Jian Chen, and Hans-Georg Matuttis, Granular acoustics of
polyhedral particles, in: Proc. Powders & Grains 2013, AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp.
- Hans-Georg Matuttis and Xiaoxing Wang Synergies from using higher order symplectic
decompositions both for ordinary differential equations and quantum Monte Carlo
methods, AIP Conference Proceedings 1648, 200002 (2015);
- Dominik Krengel, Weishen Chen, Jian Chen, Hans-Georg Matuttis, The effect of the
shape of granular particles on density, to appear in Jour. of the Phys. Soc. of Jap.